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Acts Bold Promises Halved Staffing And Climate Change Policy Reforms

ACT's Bold Promises: Halved Staffing and Climate Change Policy Reforms

Slashing Government Projects and Staff

The ACT party has unveiled a bold platform that promises to dramatically slash government projects and halve the staffing of the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) if elected to power. This move aims to reduce government spending and increase efficiency, according to ACT leaders.

Scrapping Climate Change Policies

In addition, ACT has vowed to scrap several climate change policies implemented by the current government. These policies, including the Emissions Trading Scheme and the Zero Carbon Act, are seen by ACT as unnecessary burdens on businesses and consumers.

Performance Pay for Government Departments

As part of their drive to improve government performance, ACT has proposed implementing performance pay for government department chiefs. This measure is designed to incentivize departments to deliver better outcomes for the public.

Other Notable Promises

Among ACT's other election promises are the following:

  • Creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants
  • Reforming the welfare system to reduce dependency
  • Reducing taxes for businesses and individuals

ACT's Vision for the Future

ACT's promises reflect their vision for a smaller, more efficient government with a reduced role in the economy and social welfare. The party believes that these measures will lead to a more prosperous and equitable society.


ACT's bold election platform has drawn mixed reactions. Supporters argue that the party's promises are necessary to address New Zealand's current problems. Critics, however, question the feasibility and potential consequences of ACT's proposals. The upcoming election will undoubtedly bring ACT's policies under intense scrutiny.
